Monday, October 27, 2014

Millennials Kicking Ass --> Jay Mayo

A few weeks ago, a random person asked me if they could interview me for their podcast. Now, I don't just respond to any damn old request for a podcast. There was something absolutely uplifting and positive about this person I had never heard of, that I absolutely felt I had to do the podcast. Thinking it was about my professional work, I sent back what I was/was not allowed to talk about and told him to go ahead and set up a date. Then, I realized the podcast had absolutely nothing to do with my work and absolutely everything to do with the relationships in my life.

See, Jay Mayo is not just some random dude. Jay Mayohappens to run an incredibly successful business around the idea that everyone has a right to genuine, authentic love --> both of self, and others, called The R.I.G.H.T. to Real Love. After doing some research on him, he quickly went from some random person to someone I would love to be someday.

Then, I recorded the podcast, and absolutely went into a starstruck state. Jay Mayo is hands down the NICEST, most energetic interviewer I have had yet. He made me feel like I was walking on water the entire time, taking an apprehension I had of publicly discussing my relationships away. This man has got it going on, and he is only 29. His drive and ambition paired with business smarts breaks a million Millennial stereotypes. This, my friends, is a millennial kicking ass. Here are Jay's answers to the two questions that I think are most important when looking at his astounding career:

How did you get into doing your podcast?

I can sum up how I got into doing the Right to R.E.A.L. Love Radio podcast in one word: GOD.

To be honest, it is as simple as that. I began to seek God at the beginning of 2014, asking Him to please reveal my purpose to me. I wanted to know why He created me and what I was meant to do and accomplish during my time here on earth.

Looking back now, I wasn’t ready for the answer He provided. He revealed to me that I was to continue podcasting, but not the same way that I had grown accustomed to.

He showed me that there are singles who need to be encouraged to embrace their singleness and that there are billions of people who need their relationships to be improved and empowered. Once I finally submitted and surrendered to His will, the Right to R.E.A.L. Love Radio podcast was born.

Why is it important that you do it?

It is important that I continue my work with the Right to R.E.A.L. Love Radio podcast because, unlike the podcasts I had before it, it is not my podcast. It is God’s. I am nothing more than the vessel that He has chosen to do this work for Him, at this point in time. I am humbled, honored and privileged to have this opportunity.

Each day, I ask God to show me what He will have me do and to continue leading and guiding my every step. I never want to forget my position. I am a servant and I want to continue serving God and all of His children on this earth, in any and every way that He asks me to.

What's your advice for fellow Millennials? 

I would advise fellow Millennials to seek God, our Heavenly Father. Why? Because He is our Source and if we desire to truly fulfill our life's purpose, we must seek the Source. Far too often, we think we can acheive "true success" on our own. We can't. Without God, we will always miss the mark. So I advise every Millennial, who has a desire to leave a positive and lasting impact on this world and the next generation, to seek the Source. That's the only way that no talent, gift, ability, potential or resource they have been gifted with, by Him, will be wasted.

This is part of a series showcasing Millennials that are kicking ass in life, breaking the stereotypes. It was inspired by this article --> How Exponential Missed The Mark On Stereotyping Millennials. If you know of a Millennial kicking ass, email their info to

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