Monday, June 2, 2014

Why do consumers unfollow brands on Twitter?

Determining how to be YOUR brand on Twitter can be hard, right?! As simple as it seems, when you get a thousand heads in one room, there is often little to no agreement on what is great content for your consumers. One person think it's direct links to buy products on the website, while another thinks it's a Meme with something to do with your brand's industry. One person thinks you need to avoid following too many people to keep up the allusion of being "exclusive", while another thinks you need to follow everyone and their mother to just get the word out. Instead of sitting for hours with your team and bang your head against the wall, why not ask your consumers?

I Tweeted the following question today: 


I mean, it's just as important to know what NOT to do it, as it is to know what TO do, right?! 

I was refreshed by what I read in the replies. Want to know what your consumers want? A HUMAN CONNECTION. Wow, now that seems like common sense, yet it's unbelievable how many brands avoid emoticons or sarcastic remarks in fear of being "too human". Granted, some brands don't fit the personality for sarcasm, but some do, and they are losing the opportunity to be clever with their consumers.

#1 reason?! --> If a brand is all about SELLING and not about CONVERSING. That's something we all know at heart, but it really nails it home when you see it coming through your Twitter from people around the world.

Others that caught my eye: 
  • Using Twitter for ONLY customer service issues.
  • No value in their content. 
  • Sending the same Tweet over and over again.
  • And one of my favorites, via @SocialCoaster, a disconnect between brand values and their social media voice.
 What does this mean for your brand?

  • Sneak some valuable content in between all of your answers to customers. If you have enough of a customer service conversation on Twitter, consider getting a handle strictly dedicated to #CustServ.
  • Find out what's valuable to your consumers, not what's valuable to you. While you might have the most amazing sports supplement in the world that you want to broadcast, maybe your customers would rather know how to avoid sports injuries or tips for using the supplement with different workout routines. THINK about their interests, not just your intentions to sell.
  • It's okay to resend Tweets, but make sure it's not over and over again, and that you're content is always up to date. Don't resend Tweets from months ago.
  • Make sure your social media personality aligns with your brand's values. If you're putting out conservative products with conservative advertising, then don't have an over-the-top social media voice. If you're product is fun and reaches a young generation, then don't have a conservative, monotone social media voice.

How about you?! What is your #1 reason for unfollowing a brand on Twitter? Comment below. 

- Marji J. Sherman


  1. I agree with the lack of value, humanity and the spamming.It's a shame how some brands are simply ignoring the rules. Your advices are simple but powerfull!

  2. Excellent perspective and so true. How many times around the big table do you just want to roll your eyes? But don't. -- One question I am mulling is if Facebook is now a pure pay-to-play platform, does each post require concrete ROI similar to how we justify expenditures on a particular keyword phrase in Google AdWords? In other words, do you "sell" as much as "tell" in this new environment or is it still mostly tell and sometimes sell?
