Friday, May 23, 2014

Kill the Auto-DM. Please, and thank you.

I asked my followers what they looked for when following someone on Twitter. Expecting to get responses like, 'someone educated in social media' or 'someone that makes me laugh', I received answers about everyone's pet peeves of their fellow Twitter users. Number one? Auto-DMs. Number two? Profile photos that are not of their faces, but rather of their kids, dogs, etc. 

So, while I am sure there many out there waiting for me to condemn the dog photo Auto-DMers out there, I am going to remain true to myself and give you the #1 piece of advice you need for Twitter --> Be yourself. Seriously. If you want a photo of your dog as your profile pic, put up the photo of your dog. If you want your kids as your profile pic, go for it. That's your preference, and that says something about YOU to your followers.

HOWEVER, if you want to set up an automated service that sends tacky Auto-DMs to anyone and everyone that follows you---> STOP. That is not being YOU. That is called being a robot, and, believe me, it is NOT flattering.

Out of everyone involved in the conversation today, almost ALL agreed they immediately unfollow someone that has the nerve to send them an Auto-DM. I, personally, am just offended by them. If I have 65K followers, and don't use an Auto-DM service, then you certainly don't need one at 200 followers. If you are at a point where you have to Auto-DM, then you are at a point where you don't need to be on Twitter, because you DON'T GET THE POINT.

Let me give you an example of just how ridiculous you look when you send an Auto-DM:

  • I sent out a Tweet telling followers it's not cool to Auto-DM me, and literally received an Auto-DM five seconds later.
  • I was asked a question in an Auto-DM, but could not answer it because that person never followed me back!
  • I was asked if I needed help with social media with my business in an Auto-DM, when social media is my profession!
  •  I have seen millions of Auto-DMs come through with "via-" 
  • AND, my #1 pet peeve, I have received Auto-DMs with "Sorry for this stinky Auto-DM"...Are you F*ing kidding me?!

Take the time to authentically message your followers. They took the time to seek you out and follow you.You just look like an ass when you Auto-DM someone back. It would be better to not message anyone at all. Seriously.

- Marji J. Sherman


  1. Hi M,

    Now if an auto-DM came through with the prospect of providing funds for the purchase of (say) a good book, I might just 'vote' to allow it to continue as a practice.

    I also don't mind if someone responds with a basic DM saying 'thanks for following' or perhaps directs me to their website (which I'd probably seen on their Twitter profile, and might even have checked out anyway)

    I'm sure someone will dream up a good idea to replace the auto-DM very soon (in fact I imagine those ideas are already out there.... somewhere)


  2. Auto-follows, auto-DMs... Twitter is full of bots chatting to each other. If all the fake and dormant accounts were stripped out, and all the bots silenced, Twitter's stock would collapse; and the rest of us would not have to put up with self-professed social media gurus.

  3. Hi Marji i'm not a fan of DMs auto or otherwise There have been times when twitter pals needed to communicate with me confidentially i.e. a personal matter they only wished to discuss w/me & not all of twitter or personal info like my mailing address etc was needed when i'd won a contest [YaY! :D]. But those are the exceptions to my not wanting/needing DMs Your suggestion that people post the image they prefer to represent them as their avatar, i cannot applaud enough Yes! Hello---the point IS to be one's self & maybe one's self representationally is a pic of your pet or in my case platform maryjanes that say 'yes i'm a boomer, & a child of the disco era too' :D Now as to what i look for when following or being followed it varies but basically i want to be informed respected & in some cases entertained & i try to respond in kind. Also it's nice when someone wants to engage me but doesn't demand a quid pro quo. i don't have a lot of twitter peeves but one that is at the top of my list are people i'm already following persistently requesting i do so. Recently that has happened for a few wks & this person has also piggy-backed other friends on my timeline w/the request. One of those friends responded with "um---no" They're brutally frank that way---one of the things i like best about them. This person making the request is thisclose to me unfollowing them. If the only reason they engage me is to ask me to do something i've already done and they can't take the time to acknowledge that then really why am i following them. *sigh* THX Marji for asking & allowing me to rant :D

  4. or justunfollow or whatever the heck it's called seems good at first, until you learn that it sends stuff out on your behalf like it's doing you some sort of favor. bzzzt. wrong, justunfollow. you are not doing me any favor, you are doing me a disservice! thanks Marji

  5. Roses are red violets are blue if you Auto Dm me I'll unfollow you. Powerful piece of an everlasting question that bothers so many of us. Keep up the great writing

    Kind regards,

  6. Wow! I didn't realize that one could auto-DM. This article explains a lot of annoying Direct Messages.
